Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Creative Leadership Magnifies Advancement and Optimum Use of People

In today's economic situation, many organizations are experiencing the challenges in sustaining and retaining people that provide strength to their organization. Finding the right individual that will lead their teams, business units or even their organization as a whole is an added constraints.

On the other side of the equation are the people’s decisions to become a part of an organization. However, there are two angles of this side. One is based on economic need, individuals are pressured and willing to sacrifice and be engaged with organization they don't desire to be with. The other side are individuals who exercise their powers in selecting the better if not the best organization that will value them and not exploit or abuse them.

(c)1999-2011 JNTConsulting

Management and Leadership Competencies:
Few leaders of organizations cite that their successes were attributed by the quality and excellence of their competencies in leading people, demonstrated business acumen in achieving business goals, revenue, and acknowledgement of their contributions and opening paths for growth and advancement of both people and the organization.

Management Shortcomings that will drain organizational strengths:
Inability in recognizing the value of experience among seasoned, responsible and ethical business individuals and use their competencies for the advantage of their growth, expansion and sustainability.

Shortsightedness in their hiring practices and strategies held back opportunities, these were inhibited by the wrong use of tools and inexperienced people instead of using seasoned and critical thinking.

The 21st Century shifts towards individual's choice and not employer's brand!
Inability to retain or sustain, qualified individuals to work within their organization will be the most disastrous challenge that organizations have created, and this will surely impact their future. Their expectations are unrealistic and in a way dehumanizing treatment of workforce. Time will tell that individuals they chase to hire have turned the table of being selective in choosing prospective employer that will value them as a person and their competencies. The June 2011 Mercer Report says "One of two US employees are looking to leave their job".

This is because of dissatisfaction among employees on how employers inequitably recognize their efforts. What triggers the dissatisfaction? Since the recession begun, employees responsibilities have increased as an impact to lay-offs of others. Employees work hard in pushing and meeting all the requirements that were defined for every quarter by their superiors. The rules and deadlines were met. They participated in achieving a team effort and provided their best to support their employer.

At the end of the quarter, Employer's revenue goals were successful and profitable. Reports were great for the benefit of the stake holders and managers get their accolades from their Bosses. What do employees get? Oftentimes, their managers don't even acknowledge their efforts nor give recognition that they are a part of the successful Quarter. At the end of the year, despite of profitability of the organization, there was minimal increase to a few but nothing to majority of workforce because of the big EXCUSE - 'we are in recession so there are no pay increases'. Who got blessed with the profits? Obviously, many corporate earning reports indicated that the senior officers of the company got the big bucks.

In some instances, while there was no raise in compensation, some employers provided deserving employees with promotion, indicated by the Office Team recent research in June 2011 that appeared at Talent Management website.

While the recession is progressing and creation of new opportunities is very limited, there is an anticipated big surge of talent-drain in many organizations across borders, Nuremberg, Germany based firm "GFK Interantional" reported at their website in June 22, 2011. It was reported that a fifth of the US' and Canada's workforce are ready to move to another country for a better job.

Do you have the Competencies of a Leader or a Manager?
Today's managers are focused on day-today operational matters. They are significantly involved in micro-management of tasks and activities in order to meet their deadlines and or quota for a given period. Micro-managers are also insecure that the person works for them knows better than them and they only like to see specific details based on their limited vision. With these descriptions, you are a great Manager in making sure that all tasks are completed. However, you are not a leader. People do what they are asked to do for a manager, but they will offer best efforts to a Leader.

Leading people is not only a responsibility to discharge direction; instead this is a professional competency that will espouse total knowledge, experience, insights, business and cultural acumen and leadership. The composition of today's workforce is multi-cultural, the generation has shifted, the experience and personalities, in addition to the complex globalization of businesses across industries. The interconnectivity of operations across continents notwithstanding to compliance of existing Rules and Regulations, locally based and international laws including immigration. All are affecting success through creative leadership.

Being a leader in the 21st Century:
1. Must demonstrate competencies of inspiring the workforce to become competitive in the market place.
2. Encourage enthusiasms and facilitate excitement in order to achieve business goals.
3. Communicate your vision is important, integrate clever use of talents, and provide respect and recognition.
4. Develop infinite possibilities of limitless creativity and productivity.
5. Be the Supporter of your team, wholeheartedly and with ingenuity.
6. Bring the best out of your workforce not based on corporate standards and guidelines but instead through trust, respect, and consideration of the individual as a whole in order to generate exceptional performance.
7. Reward your team in different ways, give appreciation and thank you. A tap on the shoulder for a job well done will increase morale and will not diminish your status.
8. Be a Mentor, facilitate business participation, open doors for advancement of potential leaders.
9. Be a benefactor, seek compensation adjustments for those who demonstrated extra mile on every step of the way in meeting your business objectives, be fair and conscientious.
10. Celebrate with your team for every success that you achieved. Be relevant when growing and managing your organization.

Cultural Competency:
Treating people humanely in your organization as your valuable asset will make a big difference in your business culture. People like to go and work in an environment where they are valued, recognized with their efforts, talents, contributions, competencies and professionalism. By putting an emphasis about these competencies, better results will be achieved. Rewards motivate productivity while growth and advancement triggers loyalty and sustainability of talents.

Business culture within an organization is an integrated recognition of people, their abilities, attributes, the operational guidelines and flexibilities, business goals and aspirations. These aspects will morph the transformation of an organization that becomes an employer of choice as well as employee loyalty. Empowerment of the workforce will dramatize the sense of responsibility, facilitates independence, results orientation, and being a part of growth that impact their world.

Risk Takers, Challengers and Innovators:
Organizations that fence-guard their workforce with policies, rules and guidelines destroy creativity and critical thinking of employees. Rather, build a great culture of people through empowerment by highlighting their talents, creative works, and challenge them to innovate that will lead to progress. Offer the open lines of free communications; listen to their opinions and ideas. Pay attention to their innovative designs that reflect creativity. Celebrate those who will take the risks through innovations. Most importantly, nurture their intellectual capital as a human being. Invest on them as they are your Human Capital and Resources for Advancement. Their absence will hinder your competitive advantage in your industry.

Learn to demonstrate the creative leadership and a thinker in order to keep your organization and teams vibrant, stay with you and avoid the exodus of your talents. A great and effective leader cannot sacrifice losing the strengths of the organization.

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