Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Business English: A Competency among Global Workforce

Researches show that there is a growing deficiency in Business English as a competency, particularly among  workforce working globally, they are demonstrating weaknesses which ranges of 58% to 71%.  Interviewed internationally based workforce acknowledged their handicap on Business English Skills which effectively support the demand and communication requirements of their jobs. 
Regardless of the profession, white collar or blue collar job, temporary or permanent status - English has become a burden among workers and employers. This is brought along by globalization of organizations and workforce migration across cultures. 

In addition, a misconception prevails that when you speak English you already very competent in working and become a part of the driving force of a business enterprise. Unless you demonstrate its  intra-cultural implications or the so called Socio-linguistics of the English language then you are capable.

Globally, English is the understood preferred language of major business enterprises. It is the emerging conversational language required among professionals who are deployed to work internationally or has responsibilities that will interface with multi-country based business operations. Internationally inclined business men or women and their families demonstrate proficiency in the English language. 

Additionally, experienced professionals in Linguistics, Global Business and Cross-Culture arena are finding that there is growing gap regarding English proficiency particularly with limited Conversational Business English competency.

Do I like to acquire or increase my Business English Conversational Proficiency?
It is a matter of personal and business decision making. Prioritizing your business preferences for advancement or selecting to  become a misfit at workplace and feel inadequate professionally. Ideas N Conversations has some programs that will help you increase the level of your proficiency.

Would You Like to be One among of the BEST?
The programs that were carefully developed and has been coached by experienced professionals in Linguistics and Business will give you the strengths and advanced level skills that you will need to communicate effectively regardless of location. Call IdeasNConversations and use the code: IC121008 to register for any of the available program for you.

Let us hear from you, as usual we will appreciate your comments and insights.

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