Tuesday, June 5, 2012

England: Diamond Jubilarian - HRH Queen Elizabeth II

It is one remarkable day in United Kingdom and its Commonwealth as everyone celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II from the date she became the Queen of England., June 2, 1953.
The celebration of her Diamond Jubilee is celebrated among the English people and countries around the world.  She is the second Monarch who achieved the 60th Anniversary of being the Queen of England. 

The following are many different links to the celebration of her Diamond Jubilee:

Few examples that Queen enjoys colorful shades of fashion when going to her business and duties:

Source Credit: Getty Images & CNN

Our team, wishes more power, great and continuous health and blessings to HRH Queen Elizabeth II, that she will continue to inspire everyone around the world. 

"I will continue to treasure and draw inspiration from the countless kindnesses shown to me in this country and throughout the Commonwealth. Thank you all." - HRH Queen Elizabeth II

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1  The BBC News

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